DCS Gaming

Determining WEZ, MAR, LAR (& NEZ!)

A necessary step before updating Timelines, is the refresh of the missile performance parameters to today's DCS through a new missile model and new observations.

Whilst working on updating the various timeline articles, especially the Simplified Timeline (basically no one reads the others, albeit they are more useful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), I realised my MAR and WEZ data date back to the year 0 CE (Covid Era, ergo 2019). Therefore, here we are, working on a new model to determine the MAR, or Minimum Abort Range.

MAR, WEZ and LAR are not new concepts, we ran into them multiple times through the years. MAR, is especially meaningful when the topic is Timelines, as it describes how far we need to be to defeat any incoming missile kinematically.
To create the new model, I have launched a series of ~400 missiles at four different altitude values, from 5,000ft to 35,000ft at 10,000ft steps. The attacker is an AI flighting straight at M1.0 and engaging a stationary target (almost stationary, as DCS requires a certain minimum speed). This ensures that the impact on lofted missiles is reduced, as VC seems to be a factor used by their WCS.

The modus operandi is further explained in this video:

I am still not entirely convinced on how I determined the values that in the video I called “Empirical MAR”, and I am open to suggestions about how it can be improved.

WEZ/MAR/LAR Tool Example

(Partial) WEZ Tool

The tool I quickly put together represents only part of a WEZ model. I have a version that approximates a complete WEZ, but the values are not as precise as I would like, and further tests are required. When completed, I will share it. At the moment, it is more akin to a NEZ approximation.
In the meantime, this is where you can make a copy of the “WEZ/MAR Tool” I made (copy it, do not request access).

Update 24/02/23
The original goal was creating an approximated WEZ model for the most common missiles in DCS. I then limited to the determination of the NEZ and MAR, due to lack of spare time, as I want to update the Simplified Timeline article in primis.
I then realised I did not introduce the No-Escape Zone. There are several slightly different variations of NEZ. In general, it is defined as the area at which a missile can intercept the target even if the target aborts or no matter how the aspect changes. It is, therefore, highly related to the kinematic properties of the missile, and thus varies with altitude and other parameters. It does not take into consideration the effects of countermeasures, radar blind zones, and so on.


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